Another unprecedented win for Judge Juszczyszyn. The court ordered Nawacki to reverse his punitive transfer.

The law firm Romanowski i Wspólnicy has obtained an unprecedented ruling ordering the reinstatement of judge Pawel Juszczyszyn in his ‘home’ – the civil department. The judge, after a long battle to return to adjudication, was ‘punitively exiled’ from the civil department, where he had tried for many years, to the family department. The ruling, issued yesterday by the District Court in Bydgoszcz as part of the so-called security measure, is intended to allow the judge to work in the civil department for the duration of the trial, which began with a lawsuit filed by Paweł Juszczyszyn and his attorney Prof. Michał Romanowski to establish the ineffectiveness of the transfer to the family department and for harassment.

The decision of the court in Bydgoszcz gives hope to other unlawfully transferred, harassed and victimised judges!
We continue to fight for independent courts, which are the guarantor of freedom of doing business in Poland.

“I will not be broken, I continue to do my job. The proceedings initiated by me and the lawyers helping me pro bono show that pressure makes sense. And with enough determination victory is possible.” Paweł Juszczyszyn

“This is yet another precedent-setting ruling that shows that the increasingly applied repression of harassment of judges, through their ‘punitive reassignment’ from their home departments – where they have adjudicated for years – to other departments, can be challenged.” Adv. Prof. Michał Romanowski

Read more in the article: HERE

The European Commission cares about competition in the market. It did not select Saudi Aramco or negotiate a deal with Saudi Aramco on behalf of Orlen

Prof. Michał Romanowski, in an interview with a TVN24 journalist for, comments on reports that the European Commission was to assess the deal to sell Saudi Aramco 30% of Lotos shares in terms of its safety for Poland:

“Lawyer and commercial law expert Prof. Michał Romanowski explains that the Commission, when analysing the merger of Orlen and Lotos, probably pointed out that with the merger of the two companies the market would be dominated by one entity. It therefore indicated the sale of some of the assets as a condition for granting approval for the merger. – In such a situation, it is important that the entity acquiring the assets actually takes control of them. So that there is no situation where the entity selling the assets actually retains control over them,’ says Prof Romanowski.
In the case of the agreement concluded by Orlen with Saudi Aramco, the essence was to give control over the Gdansk Refinery.”.

“Asked about politicians who insist that the sale of shares in the Gdansk refinery company took place under the control of the European Commission, Professor Michał Romanowski replies: – ‘Such statements suggest that the deal passed some test before the European Commission, only that this is not true.'”

“If Orlen had presented the situation fully objectively, it could have said that it was in the interest of the Polish state to give up control of some of the assets that were under state control in order to ensure state security. We are selling the refinery to make it safe. However, they are saying something different: we are merging to make it safer and still maintain control,” notes Prof Romanowski. In his opinion, however, the European Commission would not agree to such a solution.”.

Article available: here.