We advised BIK S.A. on the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Digital Fingerprints from mAccelerator (mBank’s FinTech fund).

We are proud to have supported BIK SA in the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Digital Fingerprints from mAccelerator (mBank’s FinTech fund). This is another step by BIK SA towards building a technology company offering sector-specific solutions for the financial industry.

Digital Fingerprints offers behavioral biometrics solutions based on AI and machine learning. The system under development enhances the protection of users of banking applications through automated analysis of, among other things, the way they type on a keyboard, use a computer mouse, or use a mobile application to identify the user. EU-Startups.com listed Digital Fingerprints as one of the 10 most promising cybersecurity businesses to watch in 2020 | EU-Startups.

Behavioral Biometrics Platform | Credit Information Bureau.

Piotr Haiduk, partner, Aleksander Orzeł, senior associate, Marta Janyska, junior associate, and Paula Kumor-Świerczok, junior associate were involved in the transaction on the law firm’s side. The mAccelerator Fund was advised by KM Partners Komorowska Michaliszyn law firm.

We would like to thank BIK for the trust shown.