Open summons for the reinstatement of Judge Paweł Juszczyszyn at the First Civil Division of the Olsztyn District Court

3 March 2023
Author: Michał Romanowski

Our client-friend Paweł Juszczyszyn was brutally attacked by the President of the District Court in Bydgoszcz Maciej Nawacki on 1 March this year.

Read more: TVN24 and OKO.PRESS article

Paweł Juszczyszyn is fighting for freedom. He has sacrificed much, much to this fight. We support Paweł in this fight. We are winning everything!

We publish the open call (demand) that Prof. Michal Romanowski addressed to President Nawacki on 2 March 2023.


"Your behaviour and denigration of Judge Paweł Juszczyszyn is probably the result of frustration with yet another defeat before an independent court and a panicky fear of the extent of civil and criminal liability that you will have to face when the Polish authorities begin to abide by the case law of the ECtHR and the CJEU. This fear is legitimate, for as history proves: 'Those who want power and achieve it live in constant fear of losing it (Veronica Roth) [...]. "You are blind, Cornelius, blinded by your love for the office you hold! [...] You are incapable of understanding that it is not important who one is born to, but what one has become!"(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire). [...] You are afraid, and that is why you do what you do.".

Pawel Juszczyszyn is not afraid because he hopes that the law will prevail. This hope allows him to speak out when others say "be quiet". This hope allows him to stand up when other people tell him "sit down". We at @Romanowski and Associates are and will be with Paul, because like Paul we believe that the law may sometimes slumber, but it never dies! We believe that one must not be indifferent on fundamental issues, to compromise! After all, it is all about freedom! And what is more important for each of us and for business than freedom?

Text of the open call available: here.

3 March 2023

Author: Michał Romanowski

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