Conversation between Prof. Michał Romanowski and editors of Gazeta Wyborcza

13 October 2022
Author: Michał Romanowski

We invite you to read a conversation between Prof. Michał Romanowski and Gazeta Wyborcza editors Piotr Miączyński and Leszek Kostrzewski. Editor Piotr Winnicki of Gazeta Wyborcza, who edited the interview, wrote that: "Such an interview comes along once a year. It touches [...] on what ails contemporary Poland. An extremely important and extremely interesting text.". The interview appeared in the paper version of Gazeta Wyborcza (10 October 2022) and online [LINK].

Prof. Michal Romanowski states, among other things:

"The basic conditions that a manager in a company should meet are honesty and competence".
"Success is 90 per cent work and 10 per cent ability. It is the same with athletes. Victory loves preparation";
"To my students and lawyers I say that a good job is a job where they are fulfilled as a person, they feel that they are doing something of value for another person."
"Power is about making people feel afraid".
"Not everyone is brave. You can't set the bar too high for people. It is immoral for politicians to check people's backsides. They shouldn't do that because people have different spines."
"Some people gain managerial competence by graduating from top business schools. They climb the career ladder and, after a number of years, take over the most important positions through a planned succession. Why? Because running a company is managing someone else's money, i.e. the shareholders' money."
"The figure of Nikodem Dyzma has become a symbol of cunning and careerism. The comparison comes to mind."
"Investors do not invest in a listed company in order to implement the policies of one party or another."

13 October 2022

Author: Michał Romanowski

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